giovedì 14 febbraio 2013

One billion rising - One century of sexist hypocrisy

MOB - one billion rising -14.2.2013


One hundred years ago the suffragettes organised a political movement to fight for gender equality.
One hundred years ago, there was an awakening of our conscience in regard to discrimination and injustice which faced women.
One hundred years ago the leaders of the suffragette movement committed the ultimate act of sex discrimination against men, by demanding the industrial conscription of women and the military conscription of men in the lead up to the first world war.
One hundred years ago when Feminists promoted the belief that women should be treated equally with men, they failed to recognise that men should also be treated equally with women.
One hundred years ago women demanded the right to be treated equally by men, but they denied men the right to be treated equally by women. And so began a legacy of sexist hypocrisy which has now lasted for a century.
One hundred years later our Prime Minister is a sexist, so is the leader of the opposition, as is every state and territory leader and opposition leader. All of these political leaders have appointed a minister for women, but have not appointed a minister for men and in so doing have relegated half the population of this nation to the status of second class citizens.

It is men who are denied the right to pursue the ideology of equality, to be treated equally with women, in a circumstance which has been 
compounded for more than a quarter of a century.

We live in a society which only aspires to apply the ideology of equality to women. We live in a society which doesn’t give a damn about discrimination and injustice faced by men. We live in a society which believes exactly the opposite is true. We live in a society which has been obsessed for a quarter of a century to ensure the ideology of equality is applied to one gender and denied to the other.
This circumstance is testament to many things:
It is testament to the characteristics in men to show compassion towards women, to place women’s needs as a priority above their own, to do this without consulting the application of the ideology of equality to themselves, or their fellow men and to do this unconditionally.
It is testament to the widespread and timeless characteristic in women, to misinform, to manipulate, to misrepresent the truth, to use false justification in order to pursue self interest and to ignore, berate and howl down anyone whose intention it was to expose the truth. It is testament to the failure of the feminists to pursue the concept which they claim is the sole basis for their political movement. It is testament that their failure could not be more complete.
Feminists have been guilty of promoting a culture amongst women which is the lowest and most widespread act of social bastardry ever perpetrated in the history of humanity. If a man has been hapless enough to love a woman his love for that woman has been used as a weapon against him. Our relationships and families have been held to ransom against us. Our relationships have been used as a social and political battle ground in a gender war initiated and promoted by women.

Knowledge of the weapons of psychological and emotional abuse have been passed on from generation to generation, possibly since the beginning of time, in an exclusive club which is only open to women. It is good men who have suffered the most, it is good men who have been powerless to prevent women on embarking on a psychopathic path which has resulted on the destruction of millions of hopes and dreams, the destruction of millions of relationships and families throughout western civilisation. A path which has dragged humanity into a vulgar descent, into a disrespectful, divisive and abusive path into immorality and destruction. It is good men who have been powerless to prevent a gender war initiated by women which can only ever result in hatred and social destruction on a scale, the likes of which has never been seen.
Some ask the question where have all the good men gone, good men are still there, but they are the ones who were the particular target of women, they are the ones who were particularly defenceless, they are the ones women have played for fools, disrespected and have been subjected to a tide of vulgar immoral abuse for at least quarter of a century. There is no man drought, but there is a generation of good men who are asking themselves as never before: why would I want to have a relationship with a woman. It is woman kind who have strangled the last remaining gasp from the possibility that love can prevail.
Whilst women embarked on this path, there has been no concern on their part about the ethics, immorality, discrimination or the application of the concept of equality, there has been a lack of compassion, of understanding, there has been a lack of any kind of care or responsibility for the injustice perpetrated by themselves, the psychological affect of their actions on generations of men or even the affect of their actions on humanity.
Women watched the worldwide scale of social destruction and cared less about anything or anyone as they relentlessly pursued the eternal oppression of men by women. The characteristics of women are so clearly understood by women and yet not one of the sexist hypocrites in all that time, not one woman in a position of power, authority or influence came forward to expose the characteristics and intentions of woman kind which are to beat men into emotional and psychological submission for all eternity. They all instead chose to continue to patronise us into the belief that women are the only gender to suffer from discrimination and men are the only sexists.
The following words were written into the sex discrimination act more than 25 years ago:

Recalling that discrimination against women violates the principles of equality of rights and respect for human dignity, is an obstacle to the participation of women, on equal terms with men, in the political, social, economic and cultural life of their countries, hampers the growth of the prosperity of society and the family and makes more difficult the full development of the potentialities of women in the service of their countries and of humanity.

These words will eternally serve to show that women were embraced as equals by men, women were invited and provided every resource to pursue equality, where they perceived there was discrimination and injustice.
Women’s response has been to pursue self interest, to deny men the right to be treated equally with women or by women, to use our emotions as weapons and our lives, relationships and families as a social and political battle ground in the lowest and most widespread act of social bastardry ever perpetrated in the history of humanity.

Their aim was the eternal oppression of men by women and none of them gave a damn about the affect of their actions on anyone, not one of the sexist hypocrites came forward to expose the injustice and no one gave a damn about respect for human dignity or the future of humanity.

FLASH MOB - 21.11.2012 ROMA

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